Proven with his accomplishment records in the House of the Representatives and highlighted by multi-bills filed the last five years, Rep. Mikee Romero has effectively raised the level of public service in the Lower House with the Deputy Speaker hardly showing signs of slowing down.
From anti-poverty bills to free tuition fee and internet access to creation of a medical tourism authority to extension of passports’ validity to improvement of the elders’ plight to reforms in sports to the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act, the 1-Pacman Party-list Representative has crafted and filed the most number of measures, making him one of the best-performing solons in the House of Representatives.
From 2016 to present, Rep. Romero has filed more than 700 bills and authored 46 Republic Acts, his legislative agenda zeroing in on solutions to poverty, health services, and reforms to economy, telecommunications and information technology, among others.

“This is just to underscore 1-Pacman Partylist’s advocacy to effect an efficient public service, particularly during these uncertain times,” said Rep. Romero, whose performance likewise gives emphasis to a new brand of leadership.
Some of his approved bills were the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act, the Extension of the Validity of Passports to 10 years, Free Tuition Fee law, the National Commission of Senior Citizens Act, Universal Health Care Act and the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Act.
Rep. Romero’s 46 authored Republic Acts also included the extension of driver’s license validity to five years, the Philippine Qualification Framework, the free irrigation act, occupational safety and health standards act, electric cooperative emergency act, tougher anti-hazing law, the Philippine sports training act, the Universal Health Care Act and the mandatory Philhealth coverage for all PWDs.
The congressman, who is also a noted sportsman, also vowed to infuse fresh ideas and legislate more measures that will benefit majority of the Filipinos, particularly the under-privileged.